Why would someone experience homelessness
in Williamsburg, Virginia?
Local businesses and organizations hire many low-paid and seasonal workers, such as waiters, housekeepers, hotel maintenance staff, etc. Many of these workers hold steady jobs, but do not make enough to pay for housing.
In our area, there are many barriers to housing stability such as:
Unemployment or seasonal employment
Prison release
Substance abuse
Mental illness
Serious illness or injury
High cost of rent
High cost of living in a motel
Lack of permanent jobs with
a living wage/benefitsHigh cost of childcare
Who are people experiencing homelessness in our community?
Local Residents: those who live in an apartment, house, motel, trailer, who then face a life crisis
Transients: those who arrive by bus, car, or train and have no means to get to their point of destination or back to point of origin (City of Williamsburg has our region’s only transportation hub)
Institutional Discharges: those who are discharged from jail, mental health institutions, or other facilities.
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